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What Can the Entrepreneur Learn from the Starving Artist?

Monday, June 9, 2008 1:27 AM

By: Caleb Scoville

Are you as passionate about your business as a musician is his
or her music or a painter his or her paintings? If you're not,
you might as well stop reading now but if you truly care about
your business, you must treat it as art.

In school, I once heard this quote:

"Art is everything except things inherently necessary to
survival and procreation."

In this sense, a caveman running from a tiger is not art.
Climbing into the tree to escape the tiger is not art either,
but the moment he realizes he has outsmarted his hunter and
mocks the tiger with a taunting face or gesture from his perch -
that is art.

In this very same sense, your business is art. Sure, it brings
in money and affords you the ability to eat, have shelter and
otherwise provide for yourself - but going into a business for
yourself wasn't purely an act of survival.

Think about it. Could you physically continue living is you had
stayed in your job?

Going into business was an act of art because it went beyond the
basic needs and genetic programming of survival and procreation.
You went above and beyond the bare essentials to create the life
that you wanted and to fill a need in the world, much like a
painter or sculptor creates based on creative desire.

For this reason, it only makes sense to be as dedicated to the
needs of your business as the artist is his or her work.

As a budding musician in high school, I remember saving up and
spending my last dollar (literally) on a new Gibson Les Paul
guitar. It felt good because I knew that tool would help me in
my artistic endeavors for years to come. There are plenty of
painters who eat top ramen just so they can afford art supplies.

Here's the big difference between you and the starving artist
you have the ability to make your investments pay off, big time!
Most musicians and artists will never see a dime from their time
and money spent on their art and they are perfectly happy just
creating it. You have the advantage in this situation because as
long as you invest wisely, it can pay off over and over down the

So - by now you're probably thinking, what does this all have to
do with audio and video anyway?

I've met so many business owners who are afraid to invest in new
marketing strategies or to create new information products
because of the initial cost. What they fail to see is that in
order to make great paintings, you must buy new paint every once
and a while.

Here are a few things you can invest a little bit of time and
money in that are sure to result in more profits and more free
time in the long run.

1. Teleseminars: Stop working exclusively one-on-one and
interact with your prospects and customers. You can record them
too and have them transcribed for easy product creation and
content repurposing. 2. Audio Information Products: These are so
easy to create, it's not even funny. In a matter of hours, you
can put a new information product together. 3. Podcasts and
Blogs: These are easy to create and manage and can help you gain
web traffic, credibility and new audiences. Podcasts are
especially useful because they help your prospects and customers
get to know you more intimately. 4. Viral Video Marketing:
Repurpose video and audio that you already have or create
marketing videos and distribute them to the top video sites.
People are literally becoming famous these days without even
having to leave their homes.

Did any of these suggestions overwhelm you? Or perhaps you
barely even know what they are. Remember, you only have so much
time and you can't be expected to do it all yourself.

That's why so many entrepreneurs have turned to us to outsource
their audio and video marketing and product creation needs.
We've done the research and we already have the best tools so we
can guide you through the process of implementing these new
marketing and product creation strategies. It's easier and less
expensive than you think.